
the whole thing is a cliche –yes, it repeats itself, yes, it runs in cycles, yes, you need to study it as a guide for the future. people hate history–they think it is dusty and boring and blah, blah, blah –BUT, it ain’t any of that at all. it is the most important shit that you need to know, because if you don’t, then you will keep stepping in the shit –get it? the problem is that there is so much of it, and it is hard to weed through it–to get what you want and often times you need to know all of it or at least the trends to make use of it –this is a dilemma that needs to be solved –you need this historical perspective –but how do you get it? –that is the question….need to think on this



you’re in one–it’s called life and yes this is a cliche –but it works because it is true. if you don’t see life as a marathon, then you’re in trouble –you need to see down the road and find a point here and here –then work towards that point –each day is a stride and each stride gets you there. the trouble is you are impatient –we all are and it gets in the way of our stride and our goals –you don’t see it as a marathon, so you don’t look back to see where you came from and you don’t look forward to see where you are going –you need to think like this to have purpose and to have relief from the daily guilt of life– more later…keep running



i will use them because they work –there will be original thought too, but if you don’t like clichés, start liking them or move on –they help create foundations to thought and I’m using them!


the rat race

oh it is a rat race –we get in our cars every day and we drive an hour to work –we go through tunnels, we pay tolls, we listen to the same radio shows, we want to bash our hands through the steering wheel when traffic bogs down–we scream f this and f that at the traffic and the cars–we flick people off –we get home after dark and leave in the morning when it is dark -we warm up our cars for 20 minutes before we get in –scrambling to the car to turn it on, then scrambling back to our cave–though the solace is in the drive –then we wake up and arrive at work–same people, same work, SOSDD –we can’t get off this treadmill –got to keep the money coming in…oh what a rat race–it is all we know


in the night

we wake up and have thoughts of doubt –the night time is the bottom of the day, the bottom of our confidence –it keeps us up an hour here, an hour there –we worry about things and fret about life –what a pain in the ass –close your eyes and wake up –confidence is restored –what were you thinking with all that doubt –unfortunately it never goes away–it is part of the cycle


get out there

and make it happen –stop sitting around and talking about what you are going to do –this is what everyone does –they talk, talk, talk –STOP! Put your damn foot out there and run down the street and pick up the phone and do it. I know –cliche, cliche, cliche –but these damn things are right. Make it happen, you only live once. Why are you living if you are not doing what you think about doing, but you never do. Go for a run now and while you are running, think about what you are going to do today, this week, this year –and then do it.



is a bitch and can break a kid down –making it harder to get there, with more bumps in the road–BUT–when you do make it through, you are stronger and you want to make it happen and you do make it happen -but it was still a bitch
