when you are working, especially at a new job, you have to keep your head down and just work. don’t look up and try to see what lies ahead — just dig into the work and focus on the work. if you keep your head down and put in maximum effort, you will reach your goals. this is a good example of trying your best and not thinking about every little consequence or detail — just work and focus on the daily work –and from that will come success. you must remain calm while you keep your head down – you must remain patient – even if results are not immediate. you must be confident that if you keep your head down and do the work –you will be rewarded and you will go on to have great success at your current venture. but if you do not keep your head down in the 1st year of employment at your new job, then you will have a higher chance of failing. keep calm, be patient and keep your head down. follow this and all will be fine. but this is not easy to do. it requires focus and determination.
working hard
what does this really mean? it is a relative term. some people think they are working hard, but they might not be working hard at all. working hard is doing something at the highest output level. you are giving it your best effort all through the day, week, year. you feel tired at the end of the day and tired when you wake up in the morning – but you still want to go to work and put in the same effort as the day before. we all work hard at times, but what we need to do is work hard all the time. this will allow us to reach our highest potential in our career and in life. there will always be time to not work so hard when we are older. and we always have the weekends to relax. always work hard at your highest level possible and you will not have any regrets in life.
stop cursing
i have had a dirty mouth since i was a kid. i used to curse all the time just like the kid from the bad news bears. i even had my mouth washed out with soap at summer camp. maybe it was because my parents were divorced and it was another way to express my frustration or get attention. either way, i still curse a lot, especially when i drink. i am sure people look at me and grimace when i do this. the point is i need to stop doing this once and for all. it only makes me look like a fool. i recently realized that it is a childish thing to do and i need to stop acting like i did when i was a kid. it is not good for my kids to see me cursing all the time. i will stop cursing around other people and my kids. i will, however, reserve the right to curse around other folks that curse and if needed in a business environment to fire someone up. it is part of who i am and will not kill it off altogether.
go for it
sometimes in life, you have to just go for it. sometimes in life, you have to take a less calculated risk and go for it. you need to grab every opportunity and make big bets to get ahead. you need to go for it to challenge yourself. if you are not going for it, you are not challenging yourself enough. you need to think about the big picture and how our time is always running to the end. you need to think that this is it – 1 life and in this life you need to go for it. if you do not go for it, then you are satisfied with the life you have and have decided that there is no need to go for more challenges. that is fine. most of the world just wants to be healthy and happy. but if you want to go after more challenges and go after every opportunity to live a fuller life –then you must go for it. you must not think about the consequences of failing when you go for it — you can always pick yourself back up and go for it again. you want to have stories when you get to the end. you want to say that you went for it at every turn – that you lived life to the fullest. you want to say that you are so damn tired from going for it, that you are ready to say good-bye when the time comes. you want to say “damn right i went for it and there is not much more to say or do – i’m done!”
show love and support
you need to show love and support to the ones you love. you need to do this often. you need to take advantage of the moment and show love. this is the only time you will be able to show this love and support for this particular need at this particular moment. if you miss the moment, then you need to tell that person that you are sorry you missed the moment to support them – and then show that love and support at that moment of reconciliation. so often, a person is looking for that love and support and so often, we do not give it. this leads to a lifetime of missed moments and only creates more space between the 2 people — which is not a good thing when you want the relationship to last a lifetime. if you can recognize at the moment that love and support is needed, you are ahead of the process. but, this is a hard process to conquer. the better move is to get in the habit of showing love and support on a regular basis. this will help you cover those critical moments when love and support is needed the most. don’t get down on yourself for missing that moment today – go back and correct it at the first possible next moment together. then get in the habit of doing this regularly – and you will not miss this moment again and your love for each other will grow – rather than wither away by not being conscious of these things. these moments are very important to your own stability and the stability of others.
content with patience
there is something that only comes with age – and that is wisdom. we all know this fact. but do we really know what it means. we think it means that we know more – which we certainly do know more. but do we use this wisdom to our benefit or to help steer our lives. unconsciously we do use wisdom to steer our lives. we stop doing things that are not smart to do. we start doing things that are smart to do. but to use wisdom in a conscious way is truly revolutionary and is a secret key to a better life. i found this concept ring true when I realized that I was suddenly in a waiting period of my life. i realized that all that talk about patience being a virtue was now coming to life for me. i wanted the next phase of my life to begin, but nothing was happening. i then realized that waiting and being patient is a big part of life. i realized that jumping too soon at something is not the right way to go. i realized that being patient was all part of the process of moving to your next phase in life. you need to be patient and you need to be content with patience – waiting for precisely the right moment to leave the “patience stage” and enter the next challenging phase of your life. when you realize that patience actually helps you along in life and helps you determine the right time to jump –then you have an edge on life –and then you have true wisdom.
meeting by chance
does not happen. there are no such things as meeting someone by chance. every encounter is not by chance, it is meant to happen, it is part of your path of destiny. these could be brief encounters at the post office or sought after job interviews. the point is – you were supposed to be at that place at that moment –and there is a reason for every meeting. whether you see someone from long ago or you have just met them for the first time –these are not chance happenings. these are markers along your own individual path – fulfilling your own individual destiny. these “chance” encounters are sending you a message or a signal that you must interpret –and that you can interpret usually very easily. you say to yourself –“yes, I know why I ran into that person today – it all makes sense now”. each meeting gives you another piece of the puzzle – the puzzle of your life. don’t be surprised when you come across someone – and that meeting leads to good things or bad things – this is what is supposed to happen. you must take away what you can from each meeting – that is your job. learn why you had that meeting and become wiser from it.
respect is a funny thing, especially when you view it from your own perspective. it is easy to give respect to someone, but how do you gain respect for yourself. you go your entire life looking for respect, but the reality is you must earn a person’s respect – whether that person is your spouse, your child, your parent or your boss. in each one on one relationship, you must establish a sense of respect -more easily done with personal relationships. with personal relationships, you can follow your instinct on how to act and respect will follow. but in professional relationships, it is harder to judge when you have earned a person’s respect. oftentimes, it is not clear if your boss or your subordinate respects you. and sometimes you realize that you are not respected as much as you believed in the work environment. therefore, the only path one must take in the work environment is to do what you think is right and act the way you feel is the right way –and if respect comes from your actions and words, then so be it. on the other hand, if respect is not earned by your actions, then so be it as well. in other words, you cannot control whether a person respects you or not, so don’t dwell on the idea of “does this person respect me”. that is not for you to worry about – you can only control your own actions and results. you cannot control earning respect from others. you might do every action with the greatest of success –and still respect might not follow. don’t look for respect from others and only look for respect from yourself.
be content
with your life. stop thinking about what your life might be in the future. stop wishing away the present. look around at all that you have now. be grateful for what you have now – for who you have now in your life – for the laughs you have now in life – for the moments you have now in life. you will never get what you want in the future until you are happy with what you have now. i don’t know why it is so embedded in human nature – to want what others have, to want more that what you have, to dream of a better life – when the life you have now is the “better life”. in every day that you live now, there are moments of joy and beauty. when you sit at a table with your family and you talk, smile, laugh – you are experiencing the best things that life has to offer –ever. it does not get any better than those moments –moments that you will yearn for in your dying hour. why are there so many cliches about living now, living for the moment, live in the present – it is because they are true. you just have to realize it. you have to flip a switch in your mind to stop wishing and wanting –and start living. because before you know it, your wish will come true – you will be in the future and you will only have regret then, for not stopping in time to flip the switch.
as you get older, life moves faster. and as life moves faster, more pressures build upon your shoulders. this will inevitably cause you to feel overwhelmed. this is natural – it happens to every single person in this world and most people go through their entire lives feeling this way at some level or another. however, you do not need to feel this way at all. but it will take a conscious decision in your mind not to feel this way. you must understand that you have a destiny in this life -we all do. you must understand that you will fulfill this destiny if you keep moving yourself forward at all times. don’t give up and just keep moving forward –and you will continue down your path of individual destiny. and because you know that you have a destiny to fulfill if you stay on your path, then you don’t need to worry about being overwhelmed. just tell yourself that you need to be calm -that there is no sense in feeling overwhelmed -that you are on a path of destiny -so feeling overwhelmed doesn’t make any difference. it is pointless to feel overwhelmed when you look at life this way. you have a destiny and these feelings do not change that destiny. take a breath when you feel overwhelmed and understand that these feelings have no bearing on your life or your destiny.