wake up–you are being bullied! if someone is intimidating you with their words or actions –you are being bullied. if you think being bullied is the norm and suddenly your gut tells you something is wrong –then you need to listen to your gut and get out of the bullying situation. sometimes you are engaged in an activity or sport –and you think that the experiences you are having are normal –but have no clue because it is your first time doing this activity or sport. then one day a light bulb goes off that something is not right with this activity or sport –you feel fear or a need to be careful –which should not be the case –then you have stumbled upon an unusal situation where you could be under the influence of a bully –or someone that has a big ego and needs to prove this ego over and over. now, this person on the whole might be a nice person –cracking jokes, etc –but when engaged in the activity or sport –goes beyond the norm –and inflicts pain on you –which is not the norm –then this is a bullying situation or ego pumping situation. it is then not a controlled situation –and you could get hurt –so get out. life is too short to hang around bullies.
Category: Society
kissing ass
yeah, you know how it goes. you kiss ass from birth to the grave –it is the system that moves our society along. you have to always kiss ass –whether it be kissing your parent’s ass, your boss’ ass, your spouse’s ass, your kid’s ass, your teacher’s ass, your friend’s ass –in order to get what you want, you have to kiss ass —-what a pain in the ass to have to kiss ass all the time –don’t you agree? of course you agree –but it really doesn’t matter because if you are not kissing ass at this moment, you are waiting for the next opportunity to kiss some ass. someone pisses you off, but you can’t react with the first thoughts that come to your mind–you have to react thoughtfully –you have to kiss ass because if you don’t kiss ass, you might lose something you value or something you have to value to keep things on track –like your job or your marriage or your friendship. whoever came up with this ass kissing society anyway? wouldn’t it be great if we could just say what we want and not have to kiss ass all the time–always tiptoeing through life, trying not to offend anyone. but that will never happen because we are such a sensitive species –where mere words can make or break a moment –we hang on our every word –each one counting for a point we are trying to get across. and there are thought police out there to analyze your every word –so if you say something that is off the main track of ass kissing –you have to retract that word, you have to go live in obscurity the rest of your life. how dare you not kiss the proper ass! the ones at the so-called top of the material world are the best ass kissers of them all. they are smart because they don’t let their own feelings get in the way of their ass kissing. it is an art form to them and a way to get what they want. so keep the ass kissing up –so at the end of each ass kissing day, you can take a moment to not ass kiss, to think your own thoughts over a pint –it is that moment that we all live for –the non ass kissing moment. enjoy!
addicted to tv
you know you are and if you are not –then get yourself a damn medal because if you are under 50 and don’t watch tv then you have escaped one of the greatest addictions of all time. hey, i know it is not necessarily a bad thing to be addicted to tv –you need that fix where you don’t focus on the BS going around in your world –whether it is those screaming kids or that pain in the ass boss –you have to get away sometime and tv is the cheapest and most available way to get away. the problem is that you get hooked on certain shows and these shows go on for years –they hook you and you are running to watch them each week –plus when one show ends for the year, there is the next addiction-laden show around the corner. you can only break a part of the addiction when a show ends forever –like Lost –i was hooked and now i am free –but lurking in the early summer days is another one ready to hook me. i do need to break away altogether, but still catching up on my DVR stuff –it is like an obligation to watch what you have recorded –that is the only way to free up space on the dvr –right?? anyway–you and i are screwed–we will keep watching and keep wasting away hours that we could have spent inventing the next frisbee -or reading books and gaining knowledge –but screw it –we are only on this dust ball for a few years –might as well kick back and watch tv –gotta run –housewives is on (well, on the dvr)
society bullshit
it is a crazy thing that can make you crazy if you are crazy enough to allow the craziness to get in –know what i mean? obviously i am crazy enough –only because i become more crazy as life has gone on –is it being jaded more and more or is it a breakdown of the mind by the ongoing bullshit that society continues to put upon us. it is not society’s fault–it is the fault of the people who live in the society –since the beginning of society before there was civilization 10,000 years ago. it is in our dna to think and as we progress, we think more –and this thinking more pushes us to look at the micro and macro societies around us –in the house, on the street, in the town, in the state, in the country–etc (though not much more to etc). to avoid this BS, we need to pull back a bit and look at what really matters –i know it is hard to do and one can never really pull all the way back– but it is the only way to keep the craziness out –comprende? or was this just a bunch of BS too? haha –see you next time –if there is anyone really there
the whole thing is a cliche –yes, it repeats itself, yes, it runs in cycles, yes, you need to study it as a guide for the future. people hate history–they think it is dusty and boring and blah, blah, blah –BUT, it ain’t any of that at all. it is the most important shit that you need to know, because if you don’t, then you will keep stepping in the shit –get it? the problem is that there is so much of it, and it is hard to weed through it–to get what you want and often times you need to know all of it or at least the trends to make use of it –this is a dilemma that needs to be solved –you need this historical perspective –but how do you get it? –that is the question….need to think on this