stop thinking about the person you dislike

yes – we all dislike other people – that is a fact. but you need to stop thinking about the person you dislike – it is a waste of time.

and guess what – they are not thinking about you or the fact that you dislike them. you are the only one wasting energy in this area.

think about this – there are people that dislike you and you don’t think about them – right? – well do the same for the people you dislike – stop wasting space in your brain on them


we must overcome our weaknesses

we will be challenged in the mind. we will have thoughts that are negative. we will have thoughts that are bad. we will have thoughts that are not in our best interest. we will have thoughts that will try to lead us in the wrong direction.

these are all the challenges of the mind. these are the thoughts of every human to ever live. these are the trial and tribulations of life. these are the thoughts that will cause us stress and give us pause to think about our path, our life, our choices. these are the thoughts that make us who we are, make us who we become and decide how we are remembered.

it is the battle of strength against weakness. will we be strong and push these thoughts out of our mind to reach our true destiny or will we be weak and take the negative path to a negative outcome.

we must fight to be strong. we must overcome our weaknesses

we must win the battle in our minds to fight against our weaknesses


nighttime thoughts

when you go to sleep at night and then wake up in the middle of the night – you have many thoughts – we all know this

when waking up in the middle of the night, you are at your most vulnerable state

you are not as strong or confident as you are in the daytime

you can think very insecure thoughts upon waking up in the middle of the night

you can think that everything is going wrong, that you are a bad person, that you need to make drastic changes

this is the issue of waking up in the middle of the night and having these types of thoughts sometimes

it can shake you, it can rock you to your core, it can have you 2nd guess every choice that you have ever made

but when you wake up in the morning, you feel so much better, you feel your usual confidence, you feel your usual self

you then reject all of the bad thoughts from the nighttime – you go back to your old self and you stand by most of the choices that have shaped your life

the only thing you need to do now is remember that bad nighttime thoughts are not to be acted upon – wait until the morning and all will be better


20-40 years

once you hit 50 years old – that’s all you have left to live – 20-40 years if you are lucky. so think about life that way. think to yourself – “i have 20-40 years left in my life – and that’s it”

when you start to give a damn about what people think about you – think 20-40

when you start to care if you are not included in events, etc – think 20-40

when you have people that don’t reciprocate a friendship – think 20-40

when people don’t have time for you – think 20-40

when people don’t ask questions about your life – think 20-40

when people think they are better than you – think 20-40

when people show off – think 20-40

when people are rude to you – think 20-40

That’s it! 20-40 years left! so why do you give a shit about any of these things, when in 20-40 years, you will be dead!

in other words – do what makes you happy, do what makes your family happy, do whatever you want – and stop caring about anything else because in 20-40 years – you will be dead and the world will go on without you – and in a couple of generations, no one will know your name – live YOUR damn life the way you want to live it – and the sooner you figure this out, the sooner you will stop caring about things that don’t matter and you will stop worrying all the time – and you might actually do more with your life!

goodbye – nothing else to say here – the message is crystal clear!



what is needed every day in life? you need food, water, shelter and encouragement. how about encouragement? what is encouragement? who needs encouragement? the answer – it is one of the most important things that you need in life on a continuing basis. how different is your life if someone gives you encouragement every day or every few days or even every week – all of these scenarios create a huge difference in someone’s life. it is not something that you think about all the time. it is not something tangible that you can hold or see. it is something that you can hear. we all have insecurities even if we don’t verbalize them all the time. our job is to push back these insecurities and move forward to make progress and reach our goals. many times you can just do it on your own because you start to have experience and you just push through based on what you have done in the past. but, when you tell someone about a problem that you are having or a doubt that you have about doing something – how wonderful it is when someone tells you back – “don’t worry, you can do it – you will be ok” you know that deep down you can probably do it without hearing these words, but when you do hear these words, especially when you are looking for encouragement – it is a game changer and it keeps you going and it keeps you pushing for what you need to make things happen and keep things on track in your life. so what you can do is find that person that you see or talk to all the time and you can ask them for encouragement. make sure that it is someone that is true and honest – someone that always tells you the truth. this is the person that will help get you through life – no matter how strong and organized we seem on the surface – we all need encouragement all the time. you can give encouragement back as well – you need to help others too. next time you need encouragement – ask for it and next time someone asks you for encouragement – give it.


insecurity is good

when you see people that seem so cool and calm on the surface, you wonder – how can they do that? one theory is that they are actually insecure beneath it all and don’t feel they have the right to be arrogant or obnoxious. this is a good thing. the feeling of insecurity can act as a protective blanket against yourself and the world. you feel insecure and so you don’t go into the world like you own it – you are more humble and kind and cautious. you still have fun, you still get wild, you still express yourself – but you don’t do it in a bad way. yes, this can prevent you from reaching your fullest potential because in order to do that sometimes you need to be an ass – you need to think you are the shit – you need to walk without a care of others – you need to shed your insecurities to grab the brass ring. but on the whole – having insecure feelings can keep you grounded and guessing – and thus keep you as a calm, caring person on the outside. yes, this is an unkind way to present the good image – a negative force on the inside producing a positive effect on the outside – the interior mindset setting the stage for the exterior appearance. it proves that we all need something to fear to keep us on the right path. in this respect, insecurity is useful and good – it makes you a better person in the eyes of the world – but it doesn’t help your peace of mind. there is always a price. if you see a jack-ass coming down the street, then you know he needs to be more insecure to help create a balance – as the jack-ass attitude will get you in more trouble than an insecure mind. interesting dynamic.


i don’t care

look – you spend your whole life trying to do and say what you want and not caring about what others think.  you want to make everyone happy and you can try – but only your mind will suffer – and the people you are trying to keep happy won’t even know or care because they are also trying to get to the “not caring” stage of life.  of course you care about your family and friends – but at the end of the day or at the end of life – it ain’t them lying there dying – it is you – and only you and your mind.  but before you get there, you need to live your life and you need to do what you want to do.  tell them “no”, tell them the truth, be straight, be forward, don’t waste time going round and round.  don’t rethink things.  say it and move on.  yes, don’t be rude, but just say it like it is – don’t dwell on it.  you must not care what anyone thinks – time is running out.  if people can’t handle you talking straight to them – then they are not worth it.  it is the test of life.  you let them know – “this is what i think and that’s it.”  they get it or they don’t.  this is the test.  you don’t care what other people think and they don’t care what other people think – then it is a match and it will work.  be straight with them – that is the test.  when you run the test, you get closer to not caring and you know who is with you and who is not.  it is simple to understand but not simple to do.


i will not care

I will not care
I will be strong
I will change
I will be calm
I will grow up
I will be an adult
I will be nice
I will look beyond
I will not care anymore
I will be free of all this
I will change to save myself
I will not think of these things
I will move on
I will not dwell
I will not care ever again
End of story


stop & free your mind

there is nothing you can do.  stop thinking about everything going on around you.  the funny thing is nothing is really that important.  everything is connected from moment to moment, event to event, experience to experience, interaction to interaction, conversation to conversation, gathering to gathering.  but they are only connections of one thing to another.  you live it and go on.  people don’t think about you and they don’t think about why you did something or did not do something.  they are just there, like you, moving from one thing to another.  at the end of the day, they don’t think about what happened in the past because all that matters is the present and the future and the end.  you will do what you are supposed to do.  so stop thinking about everything and just do it – do what your mind and body will you to do.  free your mind of these thoughts.  walk with a free mind.  don’t force yourself to do anything that your mind does not want you to do.  be natural.  be yourself.  be calm.  stop what you are thinking and free yourself from these thoughts.


we must not hide

so often we want to hide from it all.  we want to stay home and not go out.  we don’t want to see people all the time – we want to be alone or at home with family.  this is ok.  this is a normal feeling.  but why do you see the same people out all the time – always looking happy, always acting like they want to see you.  it is because they make themselves go out into society.  they do this because they like being out in society or to keep themselves in the mix of society – to feel part of something, to have fun, to interact with others, to not be alone.  there are folks that like to be alone, that don’t mind being alone, that like to chill all the time at home, away from society.  this is a good thing if you are happy alone.  but it can lead you to move further and further away from society – which can be detrimental to your well being, to your state of mind.  therefore, even if you are perfectly happy sitting at home, you still must force yourself to go out into society, to be part of groups, to interact with others that you like and dislike.  you must not hide, you must force yourself to go out into the world – to keep your mental health in balance and to face your fears.
