it’s good to cry once in awhile

we don’t cry that much and in fact it is quite rare to cry. people never see you cry and they don’t even think that you do cry. crying is looked at in society as bad and sad and weak and vulnerable. we are always taught to be strong and not to cry – which is fine most of the time.

But – crying is needed every once in a while. Things can build up over time – the stress of life, etc – and then a trigger will set it off – a sensitive event – usually something with family sets it off and then you just have to let it go. You can then get all of your frustration out – it becomes a healthy, healing event – you see it as a good moment – a much needed moment. People will be shocked but that is ok – they see you as a human being with feelings – don’t be embarrassed – just embrace it.

crying is a restart button – a refresh button – a part of life that we don’t realize we need. but we do need to cry – it’s ok – cry and start again.


recognize when you have gone too far with the “i don’t care” mindset

this is an important one because it can affect your life in a negative way

here is how it goes –

you finally say to yourself – “i don’t care”

i don’t care about what others think, i don’t care about what others say, i don’t care if we are not friends anymore, i don’t care if i don’t see you again, i don’t care, i don’t care

don’t get me wrong – it is a great mindset to free yourself from all this negative worrisome shit that has plagued you for so many years – not a debilitating plague – but just one that has always been there screwing with you

so yes – please say “i don’t care” BUT don’t take it too far

what happens sometimes with the “i don’t care” mindset is that you go too far and you starting arguing more with good people, you start causing issues with good people because you don’t care – you say – screw them – i don’t care – i am right, they are wrong – and this leads to conflict.

so – realize this is happening like i just did today and take a step back.

take a pause, take a chill pill, hold your gunpowder, think about meditating, make a change in your life to avoid conflict – this goes back to – know your audience – and just pulling back on the “i don’t care” mindset a bit.


don’t drop friends with different opinions

in today’s post covid world where there is disagreement and division everywhere – you need to stay the course with your original mindset. this is the mindset that you had back in your 20s, 30s, 40s, etc – you were less cynical and more chill.

i do agree that as we get older, we need to not care that much anymore about other people – what they think, what they say, etc.

but, as we turn people off that give us negative vibes so that we can focus on the last remaining years without all the BS and static – we must not go too far as to alienate the good people – the ones that you do like but where you might have a different opinion about things like politics, etc.

if a person is a true friend, you should not care what political or religious views they have. keep that stuff out of the conversations and focus on the friendship.

if you do judge a true friend on their political or religious views, then you are wrong.


know your audience to avoid conflict

a quick fix to reduce arguments with people is to think about who your audience is before you say something that might cause an issue. you won’t be able to predict every time what will set people off but if you know the person fairly well, you can set some preset parameters before you open your mouth

the crazy thing is that i just discovered this viewpoint because i have been arguing with people lately where i thought there could be no conflicts.

the reality is that everyone thinks in different ways about different things – and i am not talking about fiery topics like politics – i am talking about everyday normal things

if the person is a true friend and you don’t want to lose the friendship – then pause slightly before you engage and don’t drop in topics that could set them off. i am not saying handle people with kid gloves -just monitor your conversations more to create less drama, issues, etc


writing people off

it’s ok to write people off. i know we don’t want to be negative and we want to forgive. but sometimes it is better to write someone off and move on.

we have to follow our beliefs. we have to do what is right for our own self.

when we are young, we try to get along and we want people to like us

but as you get older, you start to see that not everyone likes you – and that is ok

you can’t dwell on why people don’t like you or why your friends are no longer your friends

it is the same when you write someone off – these people no longer fit your idea of a friend or acquaintance

you might have seen another side to them and you don’t like it

so you can keep going along or you can write them off

in reality, they don’t care if you write them off because they will also think about what is best for them – and if you are negative to them – they will write you off too

no one is right or wrong with the writing off process – but we all must continue on in life and we should shed what we perceive to be negative people or influences

it’s a defense mechanism but it is also a way to simplicity and clarity

will you end up all alone if you write everyone off – yes

should you write everyone off – no

use your gut, your instinct, message from god, etc. – to decide who to write off –

Writing off will always happen – it’s inevitable due to human nature


stand up for your beliefs – ok to lose acquaintances

time is running out to speak up and say what you believe in every scenario. stop being quiet all the time – say what you feel is right.

we are all afraid to speak up and go against what others think. we need to say what we think – even if others don’t like your answer – even if others call you names – even if others turn against you – and turn away from you

these are not the right people for you – the ones that reveal their true self and they are not who you thought they were all these years

it’s ok to disagree but it’s not ok for these people to say what you know is wrong. their values are different than yours – turn away from these people once they are truly revealed. they are revealing themselves without knowing that the game is over with you. they will fool others but you have now seen the light

they try to justify their position, their beliefs, their viewpoints – and they act unreasonable – they make you feel like you are in the wrong

stand up, speak your mind and move on


20-40 years

once you hit 50 years old – that’s all you have left to live – 20-40 years if you are lucky. so think about life that way. think to yourself – “i have 20-40 years left in my life – and that’s it”

when you start to give a damn about what people think about you – think 20-40

when you start to care if you are not included in events, etc – think 20-40

when you have people that don’t reciprocate a friendship – think 20-40

when people don’t have time for you – think 20-40

when people don’t ask questions about your life – think 20-40

when people think they are better than you – think 20-40

when people show off – think 20-40

when people are rude to you – think 20-40

That’s it! 20-40 years left! so why do you give a shit about any of these things, when in 20-40 years, you will be dead!

in other words – do what makes you happy, do what makes your family happy, do whatever you want – and stop caring about anything else because in 20-40 years – you will be dead and the world will go on without you – and in a couple of generations, no one will know your name – live YOUR damn life the way you want to live it – and the sooner you figure this out, the sooner you will stop caring about things that don’t matter and you will stop worrying all the time – and you might actually do more with your life!

goodbye – nothing else to say here – the message is crystal clear!


everyone will not like you and you won’t like everyone

it can’t be explained in any easy way. it goes back to the saying – “it is what it is and it ain’t what it ain’t”. so here it goes –

when you are young, you want everyone to like you and you think everyone should like you. but you quickly find that some people don’t like you through bullying, etc.

at that point, you don’t think about it too much – it’s like – on one hand, these are my friends and on the other hand,these are people that i don’t really know so they are not my friends – and some pick on me for no apparent reason so they must not like me. this is all very straight forward.

as time goes on, you do acquire many friends through various stages of life – but many of these friends move on -some because you physically move away and others because they don’t like you anymore or you don’t like them anymore. this is harder to explain and you start to wonder – “maybe everyone doesn’t like me” – and you start to wonder am i an asshole or a jackass?

the short answer is simple – YES! (we can all be assholes or jackasses sometimes – accept this – we are human!)

the long answer explains it more and is the root of this entire concept – Yes, you can be a jackass or asshole to people that are your friends without even knowing it.

this is because the longer we are friends with someone, the more time we have to see parts of that person that we do not like. and sometimes, we get tired of dealing with these things that we have discovered that we don’t like about this person and we move on – putting them on the non-friend list.

and definitely vice-versa – they do the same to us – and this is why you are not going to like everyone and everyone is not going to like you.

bottomline – no one is perfect or will be seen as perfect in our eyes or their eyes – and we determine that life is way too short so we move on.

we need to accept this reality – and not get upset for too long – and move on.

2nd bottomline – move on and don’t get upset – and keep spending time with the people who have not reached the point of no return.

side note – with family – you can’t move on – so get used to the things that you do not like and accept them.



when a friend or relative becomes a coward it is a shocking thing to witness. this means that they don’t want anything to do with you anymore but don’t have the guts to tell you to your face. imagine being friends or relatives (through in-laws) for 25 years and then one day you are not. in the in-law scenario – you are still related but just not friends anymore. imagine having a wife and 3 kids with the wife also being related to the in-law for 50+ years – and the whole family is snubbed by this person that you loved and trusted – like a true brother. this person has now become a coward and you will never see them again – maybe at a wedding or a funeral – but they won’t show up – not because of you but because they don’t care for anyone in the family. the patriarch passed and this person saw the chance to get out too. i don’t really care anymore – though i did for awhile – this big brother figure snubbing me in a cowardly way – i couldn’t believe it until i saw the snub with my own eyes. we traveled thousands of miles to visit relatives and there was a family gathering – all showed except the coward. he couldn’t drive 10 minutes to see the sister-in-law that he loves and the nieces that he has professed love towards – the message was loud and clear – good-bye to me and my family – but hopefully he can be there for my family, especially my wife – i don’t care about me anymore – he is dead to me. the memories were good but you turned out to be a person that couldn’t go all the way. am i being dramatic – yes – but it is the truth and i will say no more about it from this day forward – life is too short – we don’t have time to waste on people that don’t have time for us – wake up and move on



you are a jackass to some people and i am a jackass to some people – and some people are jackasses to me and some people are jackasses to you. the point is that we are all jackasses to some people and some people are jackasses to us. so one goal in life is to spot the jackasses and stay away from them. this will also happen to you as well – some people will think that you are a jackass and will stay away from you. this natural process is inevitable in life – but you need to be aware that this process exists and then you can act on it more frequently when you spot a jackass. people usually don’t start off as a jackass in your eyes and many times they might be social friends – not real friends – real friends are rarely jackasses. it is the social friend that you meet through friends, in the neighborhood, through your kids – these people might be a jackass in the end. you might see it quickly with how they act towards you or it might take a longer time – where you are social friends and then one day you see the jackass side. while you are assessing them, they are also assessing you – all in a subconscious way – we don’t think about it all the time – but then the signal goes off – the jackass alert. from there, you must cut them off from interaction – life is too short to keep engaging with people that you think are jackasses. can people come back from the jackass label? – I’m not sure – it is possible but not probable – not enough time in life to backtrack too much.
