the tone

we think of things and we want to make change.  we say we will change and we start off the next day in the change mode.  we don’t want to go back to a negative tone, we want to stay in the positive tone.  but, events kick in, the daily routine kicks in –life challenges your new tone and then you suddenly revert back to the old tone or the tone you usually follow.  but if the current tone is not working to create a positive flow in your life –you must change it or future results will not be good.  you can make change if you stop to think and not react as you always do.  set the positive tone in your house and with your family –the way you act now with the kids will set their tone for life –so be careful in the tone you set in the house.  these kids are soaking it all in and if you are constantly rushing around and always barking orders, it will be detrimental to the tone set in the house and the tone your kids set in their houses, etc.  you have a powerful position of influence that can affect generations –so set the positive tone in the house and do not let outside events alter the positive tone.  maintain a consistent tone –it will make all the difference.
